May 5, 2013

More Children Needed!

Today, May 5th, is a Japan's national holiday, The Children's Day, to cerebrate and hope children's growth.  Some people fly carp-streamers and display samurai dolls.

While we hope the children's growth by having this kind of a national holiday, we have been having a problem of reduced birth rate.  Recent stats provide a birth rate of around 1.3.

There are several causes for the low birth rate in Japan, and I think the most significant reason is the Japanese government's less supports to have more kids, such as less cash aid from governments, lack of nurseries, etc.

The Japanese government seems to be trying to learn from successful cases in some European countries to improve the birth rate, however, many of those ideas might be difficult to be applied into this conservative society.

It is no doubt that Japan needs some workable political measures to increase the birth rate soon besides cerebrating the Children's day.  Also, Japanese might need to change our mindsets to a bit more liberal to accept some changes in our society.
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