The result is very interesting to me and I guess points out what I was feeling.
Main points of the research results are as follows.
Japanese are not good at eye contact. This is true for other Eastern Asian peoples, however, Japanese become nervous during eye contact, which is different from other Eastern Asian peoples.
When Japanese have constant eye contact from other, many of them (having eye contact) tend to have some negative impression that the person (sending eye contact) is difficult to approach or is even displeased.
As a result, Japanese generally hesitate to maintain eye contact because the eye contact makes the other unpleasant as the above and is taken as an impolite manner.
This Japanese people's idea that the eye contact would become impolite to the other is completely opposite to Western people's, as Western people think that breaking or avoiding eye contact would result in impoliteness (Western people, true?).
The above observation on the difference in eye contact between Japanese and Western people seems to be supported by some painted portraits.
The above two are famous Japanese portraits (left one is ukiyoe), both of which do not look at front.
By contrast...
Mona Lisa and Napoleon are both staring at us (Interestingly, even the horse in the Napoleon's drawing is looking at front!).
Well, the above comparison might be over simplified and be leading to a different conclusion from yours, which I believe would pick up samples more carefully...
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