Many Japanese learn English for 10 years starting at junior high school through university. During the period, most students have to spend their times much more for English than any other subjects. Also, in many exams, including entrance exams, English is usually heavily weighted.
Unfortunately, the students' all these hard efforts are not necessarily rewarded. English we learn at schools tends to focus more on grammatical things, which could be easily asked in paper exam. Accordingly, many people, who had good scores or grades in English during their school days, are not necessarily good in practical English like English conversation, and need to start learning different kind of English, which is more practical, after school.
It is interesting that English education has been becoming a huge industry where many people are "wasting" money as good results are not guaranteed in most cases.
Based on my own experience, I strongly feel that Japanese and English are completely different languages, which causes Japanese disadvantages to learn English than many other peoples.
Japanese is not derived from the Latin unlike English. Word orders, pronunciations, wordage, etc., etc. are also all different. I can maybe write a book to excuse why most Japanese, including myself, are having difficulties to master English. I sometimes feel it fun to learn this completely different language, but it is very unusual...
Understanding there could be grammatical errors above, I appreciate your patience to read through my excuse till the end. Thanks a million!
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